This is the week of life that is craziest. Somehow, in 5 years of trying to have a baby we had our first: Lindsay April 7, 2000. Awww, such a great time of year to have a beautiful new baby girl to love and grow. Fast forward 16 months later when I find out (after only 1 month of trying) that we are expecting again...the due date? The same as Lindsay's only 2 years later. Jared was born April 9, 2002. How do you do that? Literally the same due date, just two days later. Amazing. And it is a miracle but I cannot believe that we managaed this.
This year, my children, being normal and getting older, asked for seperate parties. Ok, easy, right? We decided to do them in one weekend. One crazy weekend and then it's over, right? Except Jared gets sick 1 day before his party. We spent Thursday night in the ER at the Children's Hospital. He is doing better now but had fever on Saturday morning (the day of his party). So, being that I hate when people bring their sick kids around everyone elses we called everyone and postponed the party. Whew...put that one off (since I wasn't really ready anyways)
Sunday dawns bright and early and I am preparing for Lindsay's party--for which I must bake and decorate a cake (pics will be inserted here later) and get all the decorations up (some people would do this the night before, but where is the challenge in that?). Long story short the party went sooo well. I let each girl paint a terra cotta planter and fill it with soil and plant impatiens. They LOVED doing it. And they actually put a lot of effort into their painting. It was really nice. However, I did realize that Lindsay is now very much a "big girl". It's something I totally do not understand. How can 8 be so much older than 7? In my mind for whatever reason, it is.

The next Saturday, we have Jared's rescheduled party and there is a pirate cake and pirate "booty" and 10 minutes before the party is about to start I finish the treasure hunt clues/game! (Nothing like procrastination) It turned out so good! We had filled a pinata treasure chest w/ the "treasure" (candy that was bright and fun and other pirate stuff) and they had to follow clues to find it. The boys were so cute-and I was so happy that they were having fun. And my baby boy is now 6! **sniff sniff**

I keep saying this is the last party for a while (except for Haley--that wouldn't be fair to stop hers at 1 when the other kids had one every year) but who knows? I thrive on the chaos and last minute stuff of planning their birthday parties. It's a challenge but it's a fun one. It's insanity!!!! But it's our insanity!!