it was time to go shopping!
Well, obviously she has grown since that picture was taken :)
In case you don't believe me, here is proof:

then (above)

See? Now do you believe me? So, we had to start the search for the new seat! One that would make her happy (yeah right) but more importantly, safe! You see, even when Lindsay and Jared were babies there were only a few to choose from (or so it seemed) and no one had pink ones and such, so you just picked one that met the safety requirements. Now there is a brand (Britax) that costs $300!! Yeah, they are cool, but do you know that babies can be really gross? They get this thing called "Rotavirus" (which is dr. for "diarrhea and puking for 5-7 days straight") and other nasty things that involve bodily functions. So, if there were ever to be a time when the carseat was "uncleanable" I didn't want to be stuck with it since I paid $300 for it! (Not that we have that kind of money to spend on something anyways-but I was tempted for just a minute **blushing**) So, after agonizing (and driving everyone I talk to nuts I'm sure) I decided to get one at Big Lots that was sooo cool! Had all this fancy stuff on it and looked so comfy! Then I found out it did not rate well on safety tests!? What the heck? (If not for safety what for??) So, back to the store it goes. So, here is the one that we ended up with-cute and "they" say it's safe-whoever they are.