So, normally we do NOTHING on the weekends. And that usually doesn't change much even for a holiday weekend. But, this past weekend we had a lot of fun and stayed very busy!
Friday (Harold was off of work) we went shoe shopping to get the girls some church shoes and then visited the in-laws-that's a full day! ;) then that night went to our pastor's house for fireworks and the kids swam. I got some ribbing because I don't do hot dogs when I'm pregnant. And there were some who thought that was amusing!? How is an unborn baby getting listeria funny? I used to take this lightly, but since I had Haley we met a woman who lost her baby because she ate a hotdog at a cookout that had that particular bacteria in it. He was born still. So, no hot dog for me. And no apologies to anyone for that choice. (I did bring my own food)
Saturday we were off to the beach with our friends (they're professionals, they go all the time!) and we had a blast. Haley thought it was great fun to ride in the 4-wheeler out to the spot they'd picked! Of course I spent most of the time either rubbing sunscreen on or huddling under the canopy. And we had very minimal sunburning (just a few missed spots-one being around Haley's eyes---hey, I didn't want to get it in her eyes!---so that she looked a little like the red-eyed bandit. I really tried. Really.

P.S. Thanks Stan and Shelly for the great day at the beach and all the food!!!!That evening we got home JUST IN TIME to get ready for the HOOKs (minor league baseball) game that my dad treated us to. Hot dogs (not for me of course ;) ), Cracker Jacks, cotton candy, snow cones...After the game they had a nice fireworks display-set to some awesome patriotic music. (Can I just say I love what our country has stood for all these years? And I hope that we don't lose so much of what my grandpa fought for?) Then
we fought the
traffic and went home.

A good shot of the "red-eyed bandit"

Jared and Lindsay enjoying some Cracker Jacks! (The prizes just aren't what they used to be though)

And another shot of "the bandit"

The bombs bursting in air....
P.S. Thanks Dad for the fun at the HOOKS game!!!!Sunday I had promised Harold we'd do....NOTHING! And that's what we did. It's funny how when you've been on the go so much "nothing" is so nice...but if nothing is all you do, it's "BORING"! :)
Oh, should say that Sunday morning church was awesome. Focused so much on the history of our nation and how it was founded on Biblical principles. We sang the National Anthem, as well as several other patriotic songs (we don't have hymnals, but if I remember correctly, many of these are in the hymnals!) I wish I had a "copy" of the video presentation that they put together. So much history...the stuff they left out in my public school education. Imagine that?