Life has taken a few twists and turns since my last post...I am now a WAHM (work at home mom) instead of a SAHM :) I have started babysitting 3 boys (aged 8-11) in the afternoons. They needed a new babysitter and we needed to supplement our income...so here we are! It's definitely been interesting this week (it's the first week). Days 1 and 2 we were feeling each other out...Day 3 (Wed) Several of the boys (mine included) tried to ride bikes/scooters down the slide-out of the fort!!! I stopped that but then...Jared got hit in the head with a baseball bat!!! :( The boys (Jared and 2 of the babysitting kids) were in the backyard playing baseball. Jared was thrilled as he is alllll boy and sometimes I think gets bored staying home w/ mom and sisters...So, I was thrilled for him! Until I heard the scream from the backyard (now, Jared is not into dramatics-he is tough and usually does not cry when he gets hurt). When I saw him I wanted to throw up...but I didn't. I wish I could say I totally kept my cool, but I can't :(. I did think to call my mom though and when I briefly told her what happened and asked what to do she said "The Emergency Room, take him to the ER" So, off we go-me and 5 kids and a baby...to the ER. I thought to call the pedi on the way and they said I could bring him to the office instead (he wasn't bleeding, hadn't lost consciousness or vomited). So, I call Harold and tell him to leave work and meet us at the pedi office where Jared gets sent to the hospital for a skull x-ray!! Holy cow!! Ok, long story short he's ok! He even looks really good-and it hasn't even been 48 hours yet. I'll try to post a pic of what he looks like today, but it won't show much-thankfully!! Well, while all this is happening and we're in the waiting room of the dr's office I happen to remember I was BAKING COOKIES when we left!!! I had to call Leah (my friend who lives a few blocks over) and ask her (pretty please) to wake her baby and take her preschooler over and save my house from fire!!!! AAAAHHHH! Luckily since we were in such a panic getting out of the house I had left the back door unlocked. She said there was smoke pouring out of the stove and my kitchen was full of it...**rolling eyes** But, everything is ok thank God!!!!!
So, yesterday I prayed for "boring"-and it was a good day! LOL I took all the kids to the pool as soon as they got here and they had fun and I didn't have to worry so much. (Since they are bigger plus there are life guards alllll over the place. Haley and I sat in the shade while she slept and they played. Great day!!! :) :) :) With happy tired kids at the end of it all...
Today-we took Haley-girl to the dr for her 4 mos check-up. She is a big girl now!! She is 15 lbs 15 oz and is 26 3/4 inches long!! She's in the 85% for her weight and in the 90s for her height!!! Her new accomplishments are: eating rice cereal every night, sleeping through the night (yyyyaaaaaayyyy!!), rolling all over the living room and beginning to sit up for very short periods of time (supported by her hands). In general she is a joy to have around! She smiles and "talks" constantly! And just melts my heart!! (Especially now that she is sleeping at night!) I guess it's about time to put the cradle away :( :( and put her in Lindsay's room. That means the end of newborn stuff.
We are getting excited about our camping trip in August!! (I know it's a ways off, but I can look forward to it! LOL) We're going to Inks Lake state park and we've never been there. Hopefully I'll have some great pics to post when we return.
Ok, I'll end this post right now. And try to put some pics on here!!! :)
1 comment:
I can't believe I just noticed that you have a blog....yeah I love to read them.....
Again so sorry about Jareds mishap....and love the pics of sweet Haley
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