Monday, June 18, 2007

Our Weekend at the Beach-w/ a little rambling from me

This weekend we went to the beach (Haley's firs trip)! It was fun and she did great! The kids were able to run and play in the sand and in the water to their hearts content while we sat under our new cabana shade thingy! Haley just was her normal cheerful self-happy to be where the "action" is and watch things-then when it was her naptime she just took her nap! She really is the perfect "3rd child"-cause the third one has to be able to "travel well" :)
We even made it home w/ very little sunburn on any of us! (Just a few spots we missed with that sunblock!)
So, here are the pics from this week! There is also one of Jared's "head damage" as he calls it!
Oh, and Jared said something funny this morning...I was getting ready to take them to VBS and gave him my phone number to put in his pocket and he told me "Mom, there's just one problem that I don't think this is going to work very well...I have your phone number but I don't have a phone" :p

p.s. the first pic of Haley is one of her doing her "new thing"-she chews on her tongue...whaddya think? Should we tell her it doesn't look very intelligent?? ;)

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