So, I admit it. My name is Cara and I'm a nerd. A shameless geek. I love school supplies and office supplies and new school books. A new package of pristine notebook paper and some pens can make me so happy I get the shivers. It's so new and ready for a fresh start. How can you not be excited about it? For me the new school year was tantamount to the New Year (you know, January 1st) when all my dreams for the year would be running through my head-my resolutions if you will. It was always a chance to do better than last year. I was going to write neater, study harder and be more organized. Usually by October those were all out the window...only to be contemplated again next September.
When I go to Walmart or any other store at this time of year I just have a hard time controlling myself. I could literally spend hours on these rows just looking at every pen and pencil and notebook. Does anyone remember Trapper Keepers? Those were the awesomest folder ever made! Why did they quit making them?
My mom swears that the only reason I went back to college (a couple of times) is because I wanted new school supplies. She might just be right. I guess we'll never know, huh?
Now I am a homeschooling mom. Do you know what this means? I get to buy my kids school supplies! Not just school supplies but books! I get to compile the list of supplies they (and I) need! Do you just know how that makes me feel? It makes me so darn giddy I can hardly stand it. I get to drool over millions of choices in text books for every subject until my head is spinning. Then, when the books come in the mail (and by the way, there's just something so exciting about knowing a package is coming and waiting for it! I am beginning to LOVE online shopping!) I get to open them (since my children have not inherited my love of all things school they don't care if I do this) and poor over them again! In person. Fresh paper, spines of the books never having been bent! Is this why I homeschool? I guess we'll never know, huh?
1 comment:
I love school supplies! If I could, I would be a professional student. :)
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