Here are things I said I (or my child) would never do.
1. Wear boots with shorts. But come on, it's cute!
2. Yell at my child. Need I say more?
3. Co-sleep. Does it really matter? If we're all sleeping?

4. Drive a mini-van. My last two vehicles have been mini-vans and I can't imagine driving anything else.
5. Go out of the house with a child (especially a girl child) with "ratty" hair. Have you seen Haley's hair?
6. Make a big deal about Halloween. I don't necessarily think it's an evil holiday, just not my thing. So, this year I'm having a party (That I can't afford) and making costumes for my kids. **eyes roll**
7. Breast-feed past 1 year. Hmmm, Haley is what? 21 months old now?
8. Give them candy. But how can I eat candy if I don't share? That would be wrong, right?
9. Drag my kids along with me on shopping trips. Ummm, if I want to shop what am I going to do with them? And unfortunately, I love to shop. I did tell Harold though that a 3rd child would save him $$ because I would not be able to shop as much (that, my friends, was not a lie!)
I've learned that in parenting there are very few "black and white" issues. There are so many shades of gray Crayola could make a whole box of 96 just of those grays. It's very frustrating. Some things (that children do) are not right or wrong, they might just be annoying. Or they might be funny (but wrong). Parenting is so much guess work, especially with the first child-

And the third child...forget about it. By now we've given up on every parenting ideal we had in the beginning. She eats off the floor (we do draw the line at the pile of dirt we are sweeping up) and plays with bugs. She runs around outside with a droopy diaper and all of her clothes are stained. She climbs things, she falls in fires (ok, "only" once but still...) She's a mess.

1 comment:
Love it!
I said I would never be the frumpy mom. Ha! I get my hair cut and colored every 4-5 months or so and wear the same outfit every time I leave the house. Ah well.
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