Tonight I was checking my email and there was something from a pregnancy/baby website that gives helpful information (breastfeeding, nutrition, etc) and I saw one that was talking about dealing with chronic stress-ha! Me? So, I clicked on it. I am the list!!! Harold and I checked it off together... so, I guess half of the problem is identifying it, right? LOL
One of the personality traits was about "multi-tasking" which is a longstanding joke in our house. I am constantly trying to do at least 2 things at one time-and end up doing neither one well. **blushing**
Another was guilt over doing anything just for you. I only sit down at the computer when I am feeding the baby, or paying bills or folding laundry. I actually read my emails and try to respond to them while doing these things...
And the other one that stands out in my mind is getting frustrated over not meeting expectations (even if they are your own). I have this ideal of what life should be like (and it's prob'ly not even a little realistic) such as perfect birthday parties for the kids (lol-maybe God was speaking to me with the cold, rainy weather?! Teaching me that I cannot control everything??) with "perfect" cakes made by yours truly...school work planned and executed perfectly...clean house...and if all these things are not exactly like what I had in my mind-WATCH OUT!!! So, maybe now is the time to get over it!? Yeah right! The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome", sigh...I guess I just need to accept that I'm as insane as I am imperfect! ;) Let's see if I can post some pics of the kids to go with my ramblings :)
These pictures are birthday ones. One is Jared hugging his new Ninja Turtles boom box and the other is Lindsay wearing some of her birthday presents-Diva Lindsay :)
They are getting so big.......
im kind of scared because i already have those qualities.......
is that bad?! :)
well, Gina...it's not good! ;) you'll spend your life chasing a rabbit...trust me!
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