Monday, June 23, 2008

How I Spent My Weekend

Ok, so after the cake(s) I did this weekend I am not sure if I'm cut out for cake decorating as a new job. Everyone said the cake was beautiful and I love the accolades but I didn't necessarily feel that they were deserved. I'll let you be the judge!

This was (obviously) the main cake. I also did an extra sheet cake with just some edging and sprinkles in case they needed it-they didn't end up needing it.

Here is the "smash cake" that the baby dug into-his mom added a fire truck and some little candles that matched her stuff--made it much cuter but I didn't take my camera to the party. :)


Tamara said...

looks great Cara and I love the new header on your blog if only I could figure out how to do it LOL

Tamara said...


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