As I was thinking how fast this holiday season is going-Christmas is a short 21 days away!-I realized it is just an example of the bigger picture. This life is passing quickly! You don't realize how quickly until you have children. I look at the 3 of them and I see that they are growing up-even though when they were babies I had a discussion with each one of them and they agreed not to do that to me, to grow up.
Lindsay is now 8-almost 9! That just seems so big to me. So grown up. She has such opinions on everything and is not afraid to tell me what they are. Even when they are nothing close to mine! We are so different and yet we also have a lot in common. We are readers. I love that I have passed that on to my daughter! On the other hand, she is much more of an "outside the box" kind of person than I am. I follow the "rules"-whether it's how I dress, how I draw or color, or how I play(ed). Lindsay likes to mix different types of toys to play with them how she wants-which for whatever reason makes me crazy! I should embrace her free-spiritedness. There are a lot of things I should do...I should spend more time cuddling this daughter of mine that is quickly growing and will not want my cuddles. I should play and dream with her. I should read to her the classics-Little Women, Under the Lilacs, Alice in Wonderland.... I should spend time brushing the pretty hair of this pretty girl that is mine.
my little girl
so anxious
to be grown
not ready
not ready
still tender
my baby
my little one
so anxious
to be grown
not ready
finding her way
lip gloss and nail polish
tugging her away
from dolls and teddy bears
still holding tight
not ready
don't let go
i'm still your mommy
you're still my baby
my little girl

Jared and Haley's post coming soon...
Aaawww, sniff sniff. Yes, time goes by all too quickly. I will try to keep that in mind during these sleepless nights and busy days!
Miss you my friend
Cara, I had a similiar revelation the other day as I posted my latest blog. I love keeping up with you and the kids through your blog.
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