::All the right gifts for people that want for NOTHING.
::Perfect, crafty decorations.
::Endless supplies of money needed(for all of those "right gifts" and "perfect, crafty decorations")
::Advent activities that my kids will love (but I have to come up with them!)
But there are some things I love!
::Family! I will get to see my nephews this Christmas (well, 2 days after) and my new sister-in-law and brother!
::Finding the right gift! You know that moment...when you find it! Last night I found this:

::Christmas parties! I know, I know...they can be kind of a pain but this year my hubby's work party was a little bit fancy-schmancy! And I loved it! I got to get all dressed up-which I don't have much excuse for these days!
::Cooler Weather! Ok, it is relative where we live and I'm definitely thankful that we don't generally see white at this time of year but I like when I can turn the air conditioner off.
::Kids' excitement! So fun to tease them. And let them think you're not going to get them what they want the most! I think my kids are going to be very happy this year! Even considering our new policy regarding Christmas gifts (see next post)...
::That moment when the craft comes out! I made a wreath this year and have about 10 other projects going (yes, my dining room table is a mess...but it's fun anyways).
::Pulling out all of the old ornaments. I'm not into a designer/decorator's tree. We do the ornaments my mom gave me from when I was a kid, the ornaments marking our first Christmas married and all the ones our kids have made or have been engraved with birthdays, etc! And I love that homey, eclectic look. (And colored lights and icicles in case you're wondering....although I didn't get my icicles this year. Boo)
::Slowing down. I know, so many people are busier at this time of year but for us things tend to slow down-at least mandatory things. Scouts is not even meeting for the rest of this month! No sports, etc! It's lovely.
I do think though that we need to remember that while most of us are celebrating the happiest season of all....some are not. And we should remember them in thoughts and prayers. Those who have no family, those who are mourning the loss of a family member, those who are struggling to feed their family basic food-forget about all the decadent loveliness we are putting in our mouths! We don't have to feel guilty for enjoying our family, food, and everything that goes with Christmas...but just look for ways to help and pray for people who are in need.
1 comment:
great picture of you and your hubby!!
Thanks for sharing your life through Blog! I really need to get back on the blog wagon. :)
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