Call and cancel that reservation...go to Choke Canyon. Everyone is (while not excited exactly) okay with that one until I get my confirmation email and it tells me (unlike the reservation specialist...) that there is a burn ban in effect. Ok, I can camp in July without a campfire, but in November??? Nah.
We all decide we'd rather have a fire than electricity. So, I call and make the reservation (remember, this is the 3rd time) for Lake Texana. Where we can have a fire, right? Not so much. I find out AFTER making this reservation that there is a fire ban there too! What?
All we can hope is that the rain that has been in most of South Texas has allowed the ban to be lifted. Here are some pictures of other trips to Lake Texana:

It's great fun and keeps you from sitting around wallowing in your fat from all the wonderful holiday food. At least that's the idea!
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