Yep, I know that Easter should be the focus this week and Easter is supposed to be about the supreme-ultimate in fact--sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. I am so thankful for God's plan for man's redemption...But, I am so sick of what Easter is now though. It's all about candy and spending more $$ than we have to spend to fill some basket with treasures that are FORGOTTEN within a few days. Add that to Birthday week (two kids, one week--need I say more? but you know I will, right?) and you have insanity!!!!!!
So, it starts out with 2 kids being born not only in the same month but the same week...2 days apart! I couldn't have done that if I tried...and believe me, I did not try! As these children get older they begin to want separate parties for their birthdays (understandable since they are different gender and one likes girly things and one---thankfully---does not like girly things).
This year Lindsay asked for a slumber party and being the
insane stupid adventurous mom that I am I said "Sure!". And the planning started. We had a nice group of girls, all old enough that they should have no problem with staying overnight, right? It actually went well. We did manicures, made t-shirts and made smoothies with little umbrellas in them for fun! The girls had a blast and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Haley even made it til 12:30

...not that I wanted her to, but she was so darn cute! And she made her own t-shirt and wore it for 24 hours... (I'll post pics of her in it after it's been washed. ;) )They had a pillow fight

...and the dog slept on


The next morning while I was making the girls waffles for breakfast (which were judged as "great" even though I forgot the eggs! Oops!!) I started decorating Jared's cake! Yep, still in the midst of one party and was already working on the next one!

Jared had the choice of going somewhere and taking one or two friends (Gattitown-a Chuck E Cheese for bigger kids, Funtrackers-go karts, video games and mini golf were some of his choices) but he chose to have an old fashioned party at home so he could invite more of his friends. I think that is such a nice choice. So we did a baseball themed party. With a baseball pinata and everything!

Thing is, the kid does not understand keeping things within the theme. HE would not have hot dogs!? He says "mom, they make me sick" LOL, can't really argue that one--it's debatable that they are even food! ;) So, we had pizza for the second time in two days! All turned out great though and the kids loved everything and said how much fun they had...I think they both said "That was my best birthday ever"! That's all a mom wants....a little appreciation! :)

Awesome job! My hat's off to you for successfully executing a very busy week. And your cake decorating skills are MUCH better than mine.
Happy Birthday to your sweeties!
I think pizza for dinner sounds good every night....
Meredith-thanks! I maybe can decorate a cake but I can't fly a plane! :)
Kelly-unfortunately I agree with you-as my ever expanding waistline gives testament to!! LOL
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