I'm so excited about this post. I really am! I've been thinking about it for days now (did you know when you have 4 kids it's sometimes hard to find time to sit down and type something up-even if you find the mental capacity to think cohesive thoughts? Well, now you know.)
Intentional. That is my word for this year.
Instead of New Year's Resolutions (that are usually broken by January 2nd or so) I've decided to just live intentionally. I know, it doesn't sound all that impressive but here's what I mean:
You know how you will get to the end of the day and wonder what happened to the day? You did NOTHING productive and accomplished NOTHING? Maybe I'm the only one that is that way. The day got away from you, be it too much time on Facebook or whatever your timewaster is (mine is, pathetically, often going back and forth between Facebook and my email inbox!? Not even sure why or what I think I'll find.).
I have not been keeping my house as well as I feel I should, I have not been training and guiding my children as well as I feel I should (and could!), I have not been as attentive of a wife as I feel I should...friend, child of God, etc, etc, etc! And I just really have no excuse.
Often times my kids will hurt one another (feelings or physically) and when they are scolded will say "I didn't mean to". And my response? "Yes, but you have to mean NOT to." You can't just be a spaz and if you hurt people along the way (and yes, I'm sure I hurt people with a lack of attention when I'm distracted by NONSENSE) say "Well, I didn't mean to." Yeah, but it hurt them just the same.
Do you get the correlation? I thought about it and I can't just "not mean to" waste whole days and weeks (don't get me wrong, I don't sit on facebook all day every day or anything, just more than I should).
I allow myself to get overwhelmed and then I shut down and do NOTHING.
Lists. Lists are going to be my friend again. When I use them I feel so accomplished! And I will list time with my children (sad, but it will make me do it!), dates with my husband (with no internet in sight!), cleaning on a schedule, grading schoolwork (yeah, really far behind on that right now) and blogging and Bible reading. I often tell people all the things I don't have time for. And I realize it's just not true! I do have time. I just misappropriate it!!! And you know what? Time is the stuff life is made of!
My health. I will need to be intentional about my health. Not just weight loss and exercise but you don't accidentally eat healthy. You plan meals based on if they have nutrition. You plan time to exercise. It never just happens TO you! And while I'm at it...my personal habits. As in, I need to make sure I get dressed in a reasonable fashion every day. And wear make up! I know it will make me feel better and I won't hide from the camera during family times. You know, they (that elusive "they") say you should dress for the job you want....well, I think that I should dress for the "life" I want. If I want the life of a slobby housewife...I can stay in pajamas and not get dressed since I'm just at home that day. Or I can dress like I have a purpose. I'll bet my purpose will come to me!
My home. If any of you moms out there have not noticed it, our mood (as wife and mom) directly affects the mood and atmosphere of our family. I know, it's sometimes not fair (we should get to have a bad day occasionally and not have everyone else get all grumpy) but it's the way it is. So, if I'm overwhelmed, unorganized, chaotic, messy and just plain un-intentional...that's how my house/family will be. I *know* this...but I need to remember it. Daily. I want my home to reflect this way of life. More peaceful and intentional. I actually kind of picked this up from Jules at Pancakesandfrenchfries! Her William Morris Project inspires me! I have not really done much with that inspiration and my house will never look as put together as hers does but if I can just follow that one mantra of having nothing in my house (intentionally mind you!) that I do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. I will have intentionally created a much less chaotic home! I want a home that is less chaotic in every way-tangible and atmospherically.
So, occasionally you will see "Intentional" posts-relating to that topic and I'm excited! Excited to take back time-the stuff life is made of, and my home and my family's "atmosphere" because we have to not only "not mean to" but "mean not to" waste life! <3 br="br">
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